Never Quit - Seeds of Hope
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Notes of Encouragement Include:
Relax More
Let your faith be BIGGER than your fears
Life is tough, but so are you!
Set Boundaries
Stay Calm
Stay Focused
You ARE Valuable!
You Can Do It!
Keep an Attitude of Gratitude
Be Patient
Courage is not absent fear, but rather denying its power to control you.
Unforgiveness destroys you, NOT the person who hurt you.
Guard your heart, everyone should NOT have access.
Give it too God and let it go!
Never Quit – Keep Going!
You ARE Capable!
Leave the Past Behind!
Faith does not make things easy, it makes them POSSIBLE! Keep Going!
You have not failed until you quit trying.
Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.
Life is tough, but so are you!
Obstacles are the things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.
Weird is the manifestation of amazing!
Take the challenge, give at least one a day!